Author: Gregg Blank E-Mail Address: Subject: Re: eli's a comin' (IMPORTANT. YEAH READ ME, STUPID) K-jo, although radically angry and pessimistic, is at the very least entertaining and thought provoking, which is more than I can say for many of the plain white toast personalities encountered on the net. At least she is passionate. As a musician whose work is largely interpreted as angry, I have come to respect the emotion that goes into a piece of work, as well as the meaning. Passion and emotion can sometimes be a more impressive communicator than language, and anger can be a great tool. Look at Trent Resner (Nine Inch Nails). He's made a huge career out of being pissed off! RIGHT FUCKING ON, TRENT, RECORD ONE OF THE DARKEST ALBUMS OF ALL TIME IN THE VERY HOUSE THAT THE MANSON MURDERS WER COMMITED IN, GOOD FOR YOU - and it sold MILLIONS of copies! Everyone wanted a piece of his emotion, his passion, and everyone wanted to know why he is so fucking pissed! Perhaps those that accuse K-jo of senseless rambling do not comprehend what she is saying. I have run into the same barriers she describes in many different places in life. If these barriers become important for me to knock down, I do so in the most effective manner possible, which for me means music with loud guitars, angry lyrics, etc. That is my form of communication. If it sells, then that's even better. If it is not that important, I don't waste the energy. If I read her stuff once and didn't like it, I wouldn't waste my time in a pissing contest with her. If her articles were all over USA Today, you might be surprized how much praise she might get, even though many readers would not even be capable of interpreting whether she were right or wrong. K-jo, all we ask is that you don't go to work at the Post Office, okay?